Public Notice and Media Alert -    Board of Education Committee Meetings Monday, March 31, 2025
NCPS celebrates student talent at Celebration of the Arts  ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. (March 26, 2025) – Nash County Public Schools (NCPS) hosted its annual Celebration of the Arts on Tuesday, March 25, at Rocky Mount High School, recognizing the creativity and accomplishments of student artists and performers from across the district. Held in conjunction with Arts in Our Schools Month, the event featured a districtwide student art exhibition and live performances. Each school’s art teacher selected one student piece to represent their school. Students stood beside their work to discuss their “I’m very excited because I like art,” said Elodie Wanamaker, a fourth grader at Red Oak Elementary. “Our art class is really creative, and I have a lot of friends in it who are really creative too.” Northern Nash High School sophomore Vivian Vu also spoke about her experience as a student artist. “Art has been a hobby of mine since I was younger,” Vu said. “In high school, I am taking AP Art, which pushed me to take my creativity to the next level. That class has opened my eyes and helped me connect more deeply with my work. It made me start thinking seriously about what I want to do with art in the future.” The evening began with a performance by the Elite Dancers from Nash Central High School. The group performed to “Love in the Dark” by Adele, a routine choreographed by Maddie Worsley, a former Dancentral dancer and current dance education student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The Rocky Mount High School orchestra performed during the exhibition, providing a musical backdrop as guests explored the gallery. Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services and Accountability Melissa Dancy-Smith delivered the welcome to guests and took photos with each featured artist. The artwork will be transferred to the Superintendent’s Gallery at the district’s administrative office in Nashville, where it will be exhibited for one year.   “The event offered a meaningful opportunity for students, families and community members to celebrate the role of arts in education,” said Wendy Hinson, AIG and fine arts coordinator for Nash County Public Schools. “It highlighted the powerful impact of creativity and expression in our schools.” The Celebration of the Arts is an annual tradition in Nash County Public Schools and reinforces the district’s commitment to supporting the arts as an essential part of student development.  ###  Media Contact: Heather Louise Finch, Executive Director of Communication/Public Information Officer
media release about bands
**Public Notice and Media Alert**   The Nash Board of Education will hold a Special Called Meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.   The March 18, 2025 Nash Board of Education Special Called Meeting will be held remotely and electronically. Nash County Public Schools is committed to providing opportunities for members of the public to view/listen to the meeting in a way that resembles as closely as possible the normal processes for in-person public meetings.  Meetings are open to the public.   Nash County Public Schools Hybrid Meeting 930 Eastern Avenue, Nashville, NC  27856 View a live video stream of the meeting with any web browser by clicking   Contact: Board of Education Clerk, Carrie Davis, or (252) 462-2511   Special Accommodations: Anyone wo requires disability accommodations or may have trouble accessing the live video stream on March 18, 2025 is encouraged to contact Carrie Davis at 252-567-3486 or prior to the day of the meeting to explore whether alternative arrangements can be made for viewing the meeting.  Agenda: •	Call to Order (Chair, Franklin Lamm) •	Adoption of Agenda (Chair, Franklin Lamm) •	Motion to Waive Provision in Remote Participation •	Business Items o	School Calendars •	Adjournment (Chair, Franklin Lamm)  ###  Media Contact: Heather Louise Finch, Executive Director of Communication/Public Information Officer
ECPS and NCPS students to compete in Twin-Counties Brick City Engineering Challenge
Media Release - Nash County Public Schools’ Dual Language Immersion Students Tackle Global Issues at Diplomatic Conference
Good afternoon,  Due to the forecast of inclement weather and out of an abundance of caution, Nash County Public Schools will cancel all after-school activities on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. If there are any updates, we will keep you informed. Please download the NCPS app to ensure you receive notifications. You may download the App by visiting the following links, Apple Store Google Play Store.  For real-time information, please click the following link: Thank you, NCPS
Public Notice and Media Alert
Dr. Doneva Chavis: a trailblazer in education and representation
Nash County Public Schools Calendar Feedback Survey To ensure broad community involvement, the NCPS Calendar Committee is seeking feedback on the proposed 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school year calendars. The surveys are brief and ask respondents to select their preferred calendar option. The survey will open on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. and will close on Monday, March 17, 2025. Your input will help the Calendar Committee develop a final proposal to present to the Nash County Board of Education on March 31, 2025. ·        Staff Survey: Take the Staff Survey by clicking the following link, ·        Parent/Community Survey: Take the Parent/Community Survey by clicking, Letters to NCPS Families & Staff (Spanish): Las Encuestas del Calendario de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Nash Para asegurar una amplia participación de la comunidad, el Comité de Calendario de NCPS está buscando sugerencias sobre los calendarios propuestos para los años escolares 2025-2026 y 2026-2027. Las encuestas son breves y piden a los encuestados que seleccionen su opción de calendario preferida. La encuesta se abrirá el día lunes, 24 de febrero del 2025, a las 12:00 p.m. y se cerrará el día lunes, 17 de marzo del 2025. Su opinión ayudará al Comité de Calendario a desarrollar una propuesta final para presentar a la Junta de Educación del Condado de Nash el día 31 de marzo del 2025. La encuesta del personal: Realice la encuesta del personal haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace, La encuesta para los padres y la comunidad: Haga un clic para responder a la encuesta de los padres y la comunidad
Letter in English:  Good afternoon, NCPS Families: Due to inclement weather, all traditional Nash County Public Schools will be closed for students on Friday, February 21, 2025. Staff should follow telework procedures. All Innovative Schools, CITI High School and Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School, will operate on a remote learning schedule. Additionally, all evening activities, including after-school care and athletics, have been canceled. We appreciate your understanding as we prioritize the safety of our students, staff, and community. Please stay safe during this time. For real-time information, please click the following link:  Thank you,  NCPS  Letter in Spanish:   Buenas tardes, Familias de NCPS:  Debido a las condiciones climáticas adversas, todas las Escuelas Públicas tradicionales del Condado de Nash estarán cerradas para los estudiantes el día viernes, 21 de febrero de 2025. El personal debe seguir los procedimientos de teletrabajo.  Todas las Escuelas Innovadoras, CITI High School y Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School, operarán en un horario de enseñanza a distancia.  Además, todas las actividades de la tarde, incluyendo el cuidado después de la escuela y los deportes, se han cancelado.  Agradecemos su comprensión, ya que damos prioridad a la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, el personal y la comunidad. Por favor, manténgase a resguardo durante este tiempo.  Para obtener información en tiempo real, haga clic en el siguiente enla  Muchas gracias,  Letter in Arabic:  صباح الخير، أسر NCPS:  نظرًا لسوء الأحوال الجوية، سيتم إغلاق جميع مدارس ناش كاونتي العامة التقليدية للطلاب يوم الجمعة، 21 فبراير 2025. يجب على الموظفين اتباع إجراءات العمل عن بُعد. ستعمل جميع المدارس الابتكارية، ومدرسة CITI الثانوية، ومدرسة ناش-روكي ماونت المبكرة الثانوية وفقًا لجدول التعلم عن بُعد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سيتم إلغاء جميع الأنشطة المسائية، بما في ذلك الرعاية بعد المدرسة والأنشطة الرياضية. نقدّر تفهمكم بينما نعطي الأولوية لسلامة طلابنا وموظفينا ومجتمعنا. يرجى البقاء آمنين خلال هذا الوقت. للحصول على المعلومات الفورية، يرجى النقر على الرابط التالي: شكرًا لكم،  NCPS
 **Public Notice and Media Alert**     Nash Board of Education committee meetings are scheduled for Monday, February 24, 2025     The Nash Board of Education will hold the following scheduled meetings on Monday, February 24, 2025 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  ·       Administrative Services & Operations Committee  ·       Policy Committee  ·       Academic Services & Accountability Committee  ·       Student Support Services & Operations     Meetings are open to the public.     Nash County Public Schools Administrative Building is located at 930 Eastern Avenue Nashville, N.C. 27856     Contact: Board of Education Clerk, Carrie Davis, or (252) 462-2511     View a live video stream of the meeting with any web browser by clicking    Special Accommodations: Anyone who requires disability accommodations or may have trouble accessing the live video stream on February 24, 2025 is encouraged to contact Carrie Davis at 252-462-2511 or prior to the day of the meeting to explore whether alternative arrangements can be made for viewing the meeting.     ###     Media Contact:  Heather Louise Finch, Public Information Officer
Good afternoon, NCPS Families:  Wednesday, February 19, 2025 and Thursday, February 20, 2025 will be Remote Learning Days for all of Nash County Public Schools (NCPS).   Asynchronous: PreK- Grade 2 - No live instruction, however, office hours will be available.  Synchronous: 3rd grade - 13th grade - Live Instruction via Google Meet  For all students, remote learning assignments may be accessed through: Canvas, Google Classroom, or other communication from your child’s teachers or principal.  Student attendance is required; however, NCPS has procedures in place to ensure students are not negatively affected if they are unable to complete tasks due to a lack of technology, power, or other challenges. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s teacher(s).  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we prioritize the safety and well-being of our students and staff.  For real-time information, please click the following link:  Thank you,  NCPS  Email for Families in Spanish Buenas tardes, Familias de NCPS: El día miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2025, y el día jueves, 20 de febrero de 2025, serán designados como días de aprendizaje a distancia para todas las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Nash (NCPS). En modo no presencial : PreK - 2.º grado - No habrá clases en vivo; sin embargo, se ofrecerán horas de oficina disponibles. . En modo síncrono: 3.º grado - 13.º grado - Las clases se ofrecerán en tiempo real a través de Google Meet Para todos los estudiantes, las tareas de teleaprendizaje se pueden acceder a través de: Canvas, Google Classroom u otras comunicaciones de los maestros o el director de su hijo/a. La asistencia de los estudiantes es obligatoria. Sin embargo, NCPS  tiene procedimientos establecidos para asegurar que los estudiantes no se vean afectados negativamente si no pueden completar las tareas debido a la falta de tecnología, electricidad u otros problemas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con el profesor de su hijo/a. Gracias por su comprensión y cooperación, ya que damos prioridad a la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros alumnos y personal Para obtener información en tiempo real, haga clic en el siguiente enlace: Gracias,  NCPS
r River Academy Celebrates January Class of 2025 Graduates   ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. – Tar River Academy honored its January Class of 2025 graduates in a special ceremony Tuesday, Feb. 11, at Rocky Mount Middle School. Family, friends and faculty gathered to celebrate the graduates’ achievements as they received their diplomas and prepared for the next chapter of their journeys.   City of Wilson Mayor Carlton Stevens delivered the keynote address. The ceremony also featured remarks from school administrators, student reflections and the official presentation of diplomas.   Tar River Academy is proud to recognize the following graduates:  Estrella Benitez-Zamora  Sakiah Monae Cooper  Dillon Jones Cornelius  Isaiah David Cyrus  Connasia Gwenniah Edmondson  Mimi Marie Chianne Freeman  Daviel De’Monie Garrett  Gracelynn Nicole Grbic  Daniella Ibarra-Cisneros  Javari Anton Joyner  Lisa Shante’ Kearney  Sa’Liah Dion Lee  Sa’Riah Diaz Lee  Dayshawn Maurice Lipsey  Joseph Daniel McGrew  Mason Chase Mullins  Emily Madisynne Price  Zakiyah Markia Richardson  Carlos Raymundo Ruiz-De Leon  Josue Ricardo Santos-Lopez  Nadia Alexis Sharpe  Shyanne Rene’ Smith  Israel Trujillo-Cordova  Zykia Mone Tucker-Raynor  Jamya Trinity Wiggins  For those unable to attend in person, the full ceremony is available for viewing at  Tar River Academy congratulates its graduates and their families, recognizing the dedication and perseverance that led to this milestone. The school community looks forward to seeing these students succeed in their future endeavors.   ###   Media Contact:  Heather Louise Finch, Public Information Officer
Tar River Academy to Celebrate December Class of 2025 Graduates ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. —Tar River Academy will honor the January Class of 2025 in a special ticketed graduation ceremony on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025, at 6 p.m. The event will be held at Rocky Mount Middle School. Doors will close promptly at 5:45 p.m., and all attendees must present a ticket for entry. This year, 25 students will celebrate their academic achievements as they officially graduate and embark on the next chapter of their journeys. The City of Wilson Mayor Carlton Stevens will deliver the keynote address, sharing insights on leadership and perseverance to inspire the graduates and their families. For those unable to attend in person, the ceremony will be streamed live online at: Tar River Academy is proud to recognize the dedication, resilience and accomplishments of its graduates and looks forward to celebrating this significant milestone with the students, their families and the broader community. ###  Media Contact: Heather Louise Finch, Public Information Officer
Brightspeed Awards $10,000 Grant to Support Rocky Mount High School’s Esports Program  ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. – Nash County Public Schools (NCPS) is thrilled to announce that Brightspeed, the nation’s third-largest fiber broadband builder empowering families and businesses with reliable, ultra-fast connectivity, has awarded a $10,000 grant to support the Gryphon Elite Esports team at Rocky Mount High School. This generous contribution will enable the team to upgrade its equipment, expand student participation, and enhance the overall program, furthering the district’s mission to provide innovative educational opportunities for students.  “When Brightspeed launched, we made a commitment to bring state-of-the-art internet connectivity to homes and businesses across our footprint and invest in the communities we serve by giving to programs and services that make a positive difference,” said Sabrina Anderson, Brightspeed marketing manager. “Not only are we making good on that promise with our Brightspeed Fiber Internet already available to more than 26,000 Rocky Mount locations and counting, but we are making a further investment in Nash County youth, helping give them the tools they need to thrive in today’s digital world.”  “This grant allows us to provide students with cutting-edge technology, enhancing their esports experience and empowering them to develop valuable life skills,” said Kenneth J. Jones, Jr., M.S., Applied Mathematics, and esports coach at Rocky Mount High School. “Esports fosters critical thinking, teamwork, and strategic planning—skills that prepare students for success both in and out of the classroom.”  Founded in 2022 as a student-led initiative, the Gryphon Elite Esports team has grown through community support, school fundraising, and participation in the Varsity Esports League (VESL). However, outdated gaming systems have limited the team’s potential. Brightspeed’s grant will address this challenge by funding critical equipment upgrades and supporting the program’s expansion.  The Gryphon Elite Esports team currently engages approximately 15 students who meet twice weekly to compete and practice. With the new resources provided by Brightspeed, the team aims to increase its membership and create a more immersive and effective gaming environment.  “Our goal is to give students the tools and opportunities to grow academically, socially, and professionally,” Jones added. “This grant is an investment in their future.”  For more information about this partnership, please contact Sabrina Carpenter at     ###    About Brightspeed   Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C. and with assets and associated operations in 20 states, Brightspeed provides broadband and telecommunications services through a network platform capable of serving more than 6.5 million homes and businesses. Our 4,000 employees are committed to building a future where more communities benefit from a more connected life, deploying a state-of-the-art fiber network and a customer experience that makes being connected as simple as it should be. For more information, please visit  Media Contacts:     Gene Rodriguez Miller, Director, Public Relations     Heather Louise Finch, Executive Director of Communication/Public Information Officer
For Immediate Release - Nash County Public Schools Announces Spelling Bee Winner
PowerSchool Data Breach Update
NCPS to Host Hands-On Career & Technical Education Showcase at Nash Community College ROCKY MOUNT, N.C. — Nash County Public Schools (NCPS) invites all students and their families to the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Showcase: Map Your Journey: Discovering Educational Pathways to Careers. The showcase, hosted in partnership with Nash Community College and area business partners, offers an evening of hands-on career exploration. The event will take place Thursday, Feb. 14, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Nash Community College's Brown Auditorium. “We are excited to invite all NCPS stakeholders to our showcase,” Superintendent Dr. Steve Ellis said. “This event will highlight the many pathways we offer to students in our schools. Please come and experience this exciting event.” Unlike traditional events, this showcase emphasizes interactive, practical experiences that allow attendees to learn by doing. Participants will have the opportunity to:  •	Engage in hands-on activities to explore career tools and skills. •	Take part in family-friendly demonstrations showcasing real-world applications. •	Connect with local professionals to learn about career pathways and educational programs. “This event provides students with a valuable opportunity to connect with professionals who can guide and inspire them in potential career paths,” said Chad Thompson, executive director of CTE and Work Based Learning at NCPS. “It also allows them to explore various career fields, helping the student determine whether they like or dislike a particular career. Each time students participate in an event like this, they are more likely to gain meaningful insights and confidence in their career choices.” By participating in this event, students will be better equipped to make informed decisions about their career aspirations. Students will gain a clearer understanding of opportunities available to them. The showcase provides knowledge and insight needed to confidently pursue their goals and shape their future. The event is free and open to the public. Food trucks will be on-site with meals available for purchase. You can learn more about our Career and Technical Education (CTE) by visiting ### Media Contact: Heather Louise Finch, Executive Director of Communication/Public Information Officer