“It feels super good to be in the Spanish immersion program because you learn a lot about Spanish countries and when you go somewhere and if they speak Spanish you will understand what they are saying and you can have a nice conversation with them. It’s also cool because you can learn Spanish dances and traditions.” - Malia Gupton

Student Testimonials

What Spanish Immersion Means to Me

What Spanish Immersion Means to Me
“It makes me feel special and like I belong with my classmates it makes life easier. And now i can say Hola como estas? Muy bien y tu. it is fun and all we speak in the class is Spanish !!!" - Lauren

What Spanish Immersion Means to Me
“I like the class so I can communicate with my great-grandmother and my other family members. And I can learn it, the reason I learned it was because my parents didn’t learn Spanish. And it was a lifetime opportunity for me. And I like to learn about other Hispanic countries. My ancestors probably knew Spanish. I always wondered what would happen if I knew Spanish and that is why I learned Spanish.” - Victor Neives

What Spanish Immersion Means to Me
“Puedo aprender el idioma que quiero aprender. También es para aprender nuevas cosas importantes que me pueden ayudar cuando a grande. También es para no olvidar mi idioma natal así aprendo inglés y español.” - Karen, Middlesex Elementary
English Translation: I can learn the language I want to learn. It is also to learn new important things that can help me when I grow up. It is also to not forget my native language so I learn English and Spanish.