Human Resources
Our Mission
The Human Resources Department is committed to the educational excellence of the students of Nash County Public Schools through the selection and retention of highly qualified employees. We foster a climate of goodwill, inclusion, dignity, and respect as well as provide meaningful professional resources for continued growth.
We take pride in our work and strive to provide courteous and professional service to our current, past, and future employees, in a confidential setting. We invite you to explore the links on this website and encourage you to contact us whenever we can be of service to you.
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Other Information/Important Links
Substitute Teacher Information
Volunteer Information
Beginning Teacher Support
HR Organization Chart
Discrimination, Harassment, & Title IX
Federal Programs/Title 1
LEA/Equity Plans
National Board Certification
NC Employee Safety Manual
Link to Information on Staff Intranet
Staff Forms & Informational Links
Human Resources Staff
Employee CEU History
Bloodborne Pathogens
Workers Compensation Packet