ESL Program


The English As a Second Language (ESL) Program is a language assistance program for students of limited English proficiency. ESL services are available to any eligible language minority student enrolled in Nash County Public Schools PreK-12.

Our Mission is to meet the special needs of ALL eligible students for whom English is a second language. 

Our Vision is to create a nurturing and accepting environment for English Learners (ELs), to provide equal access to school curriculum, and to bridge language and cultural barriers that may exist between the home and the school.

Our Values demand that we ensure the timely development of English language skills while simultaneously providing additional support that allows English Learners to progress through school at a rate commensurate with their native, English-proficient peers.

ESL Program logo

Hernan Daza

ESL Program Coordinator

Maria Raymundo

ESL Parent Liaison/Data Collection Manager

headshot of Marcy Pegram

Marcy Pegram

ESL Administrative Assistant

Irasema Gonzalez

Regional Interpreter

Aida Solorzano

District interpreter/translator

Maria Eugenia Fornero

ESL Certified Teacher

Kimberly Bailey

ESL Certified Teacher

Mirta Galeano-Beasley

ESL Certified Teacher

Nadezhna Rekeibe

ESL Certified Teacher

Kimberly Murillo

ESL Certified Teacher

Sulykeey Yebra

ESL Certified Teacher

Brooke Fernandez

ESL Certified Teacher

Christian Solano

ESL Certified Teacher

William Sarmiento

ESL Certified Teacher

Ivannia Trejos

ESL Certified Teacher

Tracy John

ESL Certified Teacher

Paula Crisp

ESL Certified Teacher

Myra Villanueva

ESL Certified Teacher

Crystal Zalewski

ESL Certified Teacher

esl logo

esl teacher group photo

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Welcome back Team!


Main Phone: (252) 451-8528

If you are a Spanish-speaking family and need translations, please contact Aida Solorzano at