Beginning Teacher Support
In compliance with federal law, the Nash County Public School District administers all educational programs, employment activities, and admissions without discrimination against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability. The Beginning Teacher Support Program is a state-mandated three-year induction program designed to support beginning teachers. The program is designed so that the experiences of beginning teachers are positive and focused on the knowledge, skills, and dispositions associated with effective teaching.
The support program's platform is aligned with the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and the North Carolina Educator Effectiveness System with targeted support from mentors within the school's Professional Learning Community (PLC). To ensure that beginning teachers have a supportive work climate, each school has a Site-based Beginning Teacher Support Plan that is aligned with the District's Beginning Teacher Support Program.
Beginning Teacher Resources
NCPS strives to provide beginning teachers with access to district and state resources to support their growth as early educators. These resources are available to assist new teachers in becoming acclimated to the district and teaching profession.
Beginning Teacher Support Program
Approved Beginning Teacher Support Program Plan
Beginning Teachers Receiving Their "First Day of School" Self-Portraits
Our teachers, like students, participate in getting-to-know-you activities on their "first day in class." During New Teacher Orientation, our new teachers drew self-portraits and helped us get to know them better.
Congratulations to our beginning teachers who completed their first full year of teaching. It is quite an accomplishment. We are proud of you!

2023 Beginning Teacher-Mentor Breakfast
Our NCPS beginning teachers and mentors came together for a day of fun, fellowship, and learning. They participated in a BT Scavenger Hunt and an Escape Room activity to explore new ways to engage students in their learning. They also found how different animal personalities can work together for more productive small groups. The room was filled with lions, beavers, golden retrievers, and otters. Oh my!