Title I Comparability
In order to ensure that our schools can continue to receive funds from Title I, it is required that we (as a district) use our State and Local funds to provide services in Title I schools that are "comparable" to the services provided in non-Title I schools. Comparability is one indication that our district is using Title I funds to supplement and not supplant other funding sources. To adhere to this rule, the district has the following:
A District-Wide Salary Schedule
A policy ensuring equivalence in Staffing throughout the district (See Below)
A policy ensuring equivalence in curriculum materials throughout the district (See Below)

NCPS Board Policy 3565/8307 - Title I Program Comparability of Services
"C. Comparability of Services
State and local funds will be used in schools receiving Title I funds to provide services that, taken as a whole, are at least comparable to services in schools that are not receiving Title I funds, or, if all schools receive Title I funds, to provide services that are substantially comparable in each school. The board will ensure equivalence among schools in the allocation of state and local resources for (1) teachers, administrators, and other staff (ESSA 1118(c)(2)(A)(ii)), and (2) curriculum materials and instructional supplies (ESSA 1118(c)(2)(A)(iii)). In addition, the board will establish and implement system-wide salary scales that are applicable to all staff whether assigned to Title I or non-Title I schools (ESSA 1118(c)(2)(A)(i)). "