Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!
We eagerly anticipate our students' first day of school as we embark on a fresh academic year! This guide offers valuable information and resources to ensure a successful beginning for your child.
First Day of School (Click the links below to access calendars)
Thursday, August 3, 2023: First Day of School (EARLY COLLEGE & CITI High ONLY)
Monday, August 28, 2023: Traditional Calendar
2023-2024 Open House/Important Dates Schedule (Traditional & Specialty Coming Soon)
2023-2024 Student/Family Handbook (English | Spanish) (coming soon!)
Back to School Supply List for Elementary and Middle Schools:
2023-2024 Back to School Supplies List for Elementary and Middle Schools
Download the NCPS Mobile App
NCPS's district mobile app provides information and updates for families on the go. To download the app, visit the App Store or Google Play on your smartphone and search for "Nash County Public School App."
Download from the App Store
Download from the Google Play Store
Get information about school buses in real time. Visit this page to learn more about your bus schedule!
Sign up for PowerSchool Parent Portal
Monitor your child's grades, attendance, and other student information through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. You can even update your contact information if your telephone number or email address changes. You can download the PowerSchool app for your iPhone or Android phone. It's a great way to stay connected to your child's teachers and school. You can get the Access ID and Password from their child's school. They have to have that to connect to the student. The district code for the phone app is ZDZX. The app should ask for that the first time they log onto it.
Meals and School Nutrition
Healthy, nutritious food fuels our students for learning. View menus, prices, and meal forms.
Student Support Services
Did you know NCPS provides students and families with comprehensive counseling and other support services? Each school has personnel assigned to support whole child development outside the instructional process. From mental health support to college and career counseling, NCPS Student Support Services are available. Learn more at student support services.
Immunizations and Vaccinations
All students enrolling in school must submit an immunization record within 30 calendar days of enrollment. There are additional immunization requirements for students entering 7th and 12th grade. These requirements must be met within 30 calendar days of the opening day of school.
Follow this link for NC Immunization Requirements.
Summary chart of all requirements for all grade levels
Immunization Clinic Opportunity for NCPS Families
We recognize that students may need to take medication during school hours. Students should take medications at home rather than at school whenever feasible to minimize disruptions to the school day. Medication, including over-the-counter and emergency medications [ie. rescue inhaler or epi-pen] may only be administered at school upon receipt of a completed Medication Authorization form. In limited circumstances, a student may be allowed to self-administer medications. A licensed healthcare provider and the student's parent/guardian must complete the authorization form. Please refer to the District Medication Policy #6125 for more information or contact your school nurse. Medication forms are required annually.
Medication Authorization form. (SPANISH FORM) Other forms are not accepted.
Please visit our School Nurse Page for additional information.
Health Assessment
State law requires that every child entering public school in North Carolina for the first time receives a health assessment. The health assessment must be completed by a licensed health care provider and the date of examination can be no more than 1 year prior to the first day of attendance. The completed assessment form must be submitted within the first 30 calendar days of enrollment.
NC Health Assessment Form. (SPANISH FORM) Other forms are not accepted.
Follow this link for additional information on health assessments. {link}
Safety and Security:
Ensuring the safety of our students, staff, and visitors is a priority for NCPS. The Safety & Security Division plans, coordinates, and implements measures to keep all NCPS schools and sites safe. Click here for more information.
Get Engaged:
Student success soars when parents, teachers, and community partners work together. More information is coming here soon!
Student Enrollment:
Are you new to Nash County Public Schools? To enroll your child, please visit the NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT PAGE for all you need to know. Have a rising kindergartner? Children who will be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2023, are eligible to register for Kindergarten. Please visit this page to learn more about kindergarten enrollment and school readiness.
Stay Connected:
Follow NCPS on social media for the latest district information.