School Improvement
District and School Report Cards
CSI and TSI Information
Based on the state's review of test results, some schools may receive a federal designation for improvement called Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) or Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) as defined in the North Carolina Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan.
CSI Schools
Fairview Elementary
DS Johnson Elementary
Parker Middle
Baskerville Elementary
Williford Elementary
TSI Schools-Continuously Underperforming (CU) and Additional Targeted support (AT)
Bailey Elementary (CU and AT)
Benvenue Elementary (CU)
Coopers Elementary (CU and AT)
Englewood Elementary (CU and AT)
Middlesex Elementary (CU)
Spring Hope Elementary (CU and AT)
Winstead Avenue Elementary (CU and AT)
Edwards Middle (CU and AT)
Nash Central Middle (CU and AT)
Red Oak Middle (CU and AT)
Southern Nash Middle (CU and AT)
Nash Central High (CU)
Northern Nash High (CU)
Rocky Mount High (CU and AT)
Southern Nash High (CU and AT)
Nashville Elementary (CU)
Rocky Mount Middle (CU and AT)