CTE Programs of Study
The Nash County Public Schools' Programs of Study were created to enhance standard curricula, introduce students to broad career opportunities in industries, equip them to make sound choices in the future, and provide industry credentials, major coursework, work-based learning, and advance studies opportunities.
Programs of Study
Students are given an opportunity to explore career interests in middle school and choose their Program of study in High school. A school transfer may be required for certain programs of study (School transfer must be requested and approved each school year).
Agricultural Education (AG)- This program of study is designed for students pursuing a career in the broad area of agriculture. The following programs of study are offered only at Southern Nash High School.
Business, Finance, and Marketing (BFM) - This is a program of study designed for students pursuing careers in Business, Finance, or Marketing careers. The following programs are offered at the specified Traditional High Schools:
Entrepreneurship (ENTRE) - Northern Nash
Sales (PRSM) - All
Sport and Event Marketing (SEMK) - Northern Nash
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) - This program of study is designed for students interested in Computer Science or Information Technology fields. The following programs are offered at two of the Traditional High Schools:
Adobe Academy (ADAC) - Northern Nash
Computer Engineering (COEN) - Northern Nash
Computer Science Principles (CSPR) - Nash Central
Family and Consumer Science (FCS) -This program of study is designed for students pursuing various careers in human services. The following pathways are offered at the specified traditional high schools:
Counseling and Mental Health (CMHC) - Nash Central & Northern Nash High
Culinary Arts Applications (CULA) - Nash Central, Rocky Mount, Southern Nash
Culinary Arts Internship (CULI) - Northern Nash Only
Early Childhood Development and Services (EACH) - Nash Central, Northern Nash, & Rocky Mount
Interior Design (INDE) - Nash Central & Northern Nash Only
Teaching/Training (TETR) - Rocky Mount only
Health Science Education (HS) - This is a program of study designed for students pursuing careers in Biomedical and Healthcare fields. The following pathway is offered at each of the four traditional high schools:
Trade, Technology, Engineering, and Industrial Education (TTEI) - This program is designed for students interested in various trades. The following pathways are offered at the specified traditional high schools:
Advanced Manufacturing (ADMA) - Northern Nash
Carpentry (CARP) - Northern Nash & Rocky Mount
Drafting Architectural (DRFA) - Northern Nash
Electrical Trades (ELTR) - Nash Central & Northern Nash
Emergency Management (EMMG) - Southern Nash Only
Firefighter Technology (FIFI) - Nash Central & Rocky Mount
Law and Justice (LAWJ) - Northern Nash
Public Safety (PSPW) - Nash Central & Southern Nash
Technology Engineering and Design (TEND) - Rocky Mount Only
Welding (WELD) - Southern Nash
Students attending CITI High and Early College are eligible to participate in the CTE Pathways via the Career and College Promise (CCP) Program at Nash Community College.
For more information contact:
Chad Thompson, CTE Executive Director
cwthompson@ncpschools.net | 252-462-2016