TSI Designation Letter
“Focused on continuous improvement for every child, in every classroom, every day”
720 Edwards Street
Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27803
Michael E. Girouard, Principal
Melvin Ballard, Assistant Principal
October 15, 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian:
I am writing this letter to inform you that G.R. Edwards Middle School has been designated as a Targeted Support & Improvement Additional Targeted Support (TSI-AT) school by the North Carolina State Board of Education. As stated in ESSA Section 1111(d) 2), North Carolina had to identify schools for targeted support and improvement. TSI-AT schools in North Carolina are those that have a subgroup that is under-performing. In addition to the TSI-AT identification, G.R. Edwards, has also been designated as a Targeted Support & Improvement Consistently Underperforming (TSI-CU) school by the North Carolina State Board of Education. As stated in ESSA Section 1111(d) (2), North Carolina had to identify schools for targeted support and improvement. TSI-CU schools in North Carolina are those schools that have a subgroup that is consistently under-performing over an extended period of time. The intent of this opportunity is to improve educational outcomes for all students, close achievement gaps, increase equity, and improve the quality of instruction.
As a TSI-AT and TSI-CU school, G.R. Edwards Middle School is required to develop a comprehensive plan that specifically addresses how the school will improve student achievement. The plan will also include how our district will support us and monitor the progress of our school. The comprehensive plan will address the following areas:
Standards-aligned Instruction
Classroom Management
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
Instructional Leadership
Recruitment & Retention of Effective Teachers
Support for Grade-to-Grade Transitions
Implementation of a Tiered Instructional System
Data-Driven Decision Making
Student Support Services
Family and Community Engagement
We have set the following goals for G.R. Edwards this year:
During the 2021-22 school year, all students will increase proficiency by 5% in Math, Reading, and Science.
During the 2021-22 school year, all teachers will implement standards-based planning/instruction aligned with the NCPS Instructional Framework.
During the 2021-22 school year, all students will receive rigorous, standards-based instruction in all content areas during the 2021-22 school year.
Our students need to experience higher achievement levels, but it will require hard work on the part of staff, students and families. Here are some strategies G.R. Edwards Middle School will be implementing:
Provide targeted Intervention/Enrichment opportunities for all students in the areas of Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies using teacher created materials and the Study Island program.
Providing social-emotional support for students through daily check-ins and weekly lessons.
Supporting resiliency and trauma-sensitive strategies to enhance student well-being and achievement.
Weekly Professional Learning Communities.
Data-analysis protocols.
Monthly MTSS meetings to discuss academic, social, and emotional needs.
Parent engagement is at the heart of our school improvement efforts. Here are some ways we can work together:
Make sure that both you and your student are aware of academic expectations set for your student this school year. A list of learning objectives in student-friendly language is available from your student’s teacher(s).
Call Michael E. Girouard if you have questions or concerns about your student.
Call the school to set up an appointment to meet with our school-based team who will be working with your student.
Call to become a part of our Parenting Partners Program or Parent Advisory Team.
Make sure that your student is prepared and attends school each day.
Monitor your student’s homework and check agendas daily.
Monitor the progress your student is making and attend meetings with your student’s teacher(s).
Keep track of our website and social media sites.
https://ncpschools-gredwardsms.edlioschool.com/ (School website)
https://twitter.com/EdwardsMiddleS1 (Twitter)
@edwardsmiddletbird (Instagram)
Sounds like a lot but preparing our students so that they can succeed is not easy and is a group effort. Here are some
resources available to help:
Graduation requirements: ncpublicschools.org/gradrequirements/
K-12 standards in academic subjects: ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/
State student achievement test results: ncpublicschools.org/accountability/
C. School Report Cards: https://ncreportcards.ondemand.sas.com/src
If you have questions about the content of this letter, please contact Michael Girouard at megirouard@ncpschools.net or (252) 937-9025.
Michael Girouard, Principal