Back to School Bash  for  Southern Nash Middle School Students and Parents! August 26 from 11m to 2PM at White Oak Hill FWB Church. There will be games, inflatables and Hot Dog Lunch
Immunization Clinic every Tuesday August through September, 4pm to 7pm . 214 S. Barnes St, Nashville
SNMS T-shirt and Sweatshirt sale 10am to 1pm July 18th to August 3rd.
SNMS Wrestling Camp July 10-12
Volleyball Workouts open for any rising 6th, 7th or 8th grade girl. Workouts will take place July 10, 12, 24, and 26 from 2pm to 4pm. Attendance does not guarantee a spot on the team. Students participating must have a current sports physical.
For the 2023-2024 school year, there will be boys basketball workouts for any student interested. It is open to any rising 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student. You MUST have an updated Athletic physical within the past 395 days to attend.  Dates and Times listed below:  Monday June 26 12-1:30Thurs June 29 12-1:30  Tues July 11 12-1:30 Thurs July 13 12-1:30  Tues July 25,12-1:30  Thurs July 27,12-1:30   6 summer workouts/drills/fundamentals/open run  This does not guarantee a spot on the upcoming season,for all rising 6/7/8th graders!!!!!
The information on this post is a compilation of Principal Messages for the 2022-2023 School Year.
Free Sports physicals available June 7, 2023. The Rocky Mount Event Center will be hosting Doctors from UNC Health Nash to provide free athletic physicals to all Nash County Students. Date: 6/7 from 5:30-9:00pm. Closed
Take a look at STEM Summer Camp Options for Upcoming 6th Grade Middle School and 9-12 High School Students
MiFi Hotspot Information. Hotspots are available to students without  home internet. Please contact your student's school librarian for more information.
2022-2023  Yearbook Ordering Information, Closed
Southern Nash Middle Spanish Language Elective Interest Survey  Our school has the opportunity to offer an introductory Spanish elective class to students during the 2023-24 school year. We need to gauge the interest in the class for planning purpose. We will be able to share more information at a later date once we know how many may be interested in the class.  Please take a few minutes to complete the survey to assist us with planning.  Please click the title to go to the survey.Closed
SNMS FFA Mum Sale Red, Yellow, Purple, Orange. 10inches $10.50, 12 inches $16. Please use the Google Form. Closed
Ordering information for 2021-2022 Yearbook - Closed
S.T.E.P. (Strategic Twin-Counties Education Partnership) is holding a Lunch and Learn with local business leaders sharing valuable insight into important business skills March 24, 2021  Open for Zoom link.
SNMS Summer Scholars Program Information for Summer of 2021
SNMS Virtual Book Fair 2020
SNMS Report Card  pick-up will be Thursday October 22, 2020 from 7am to 6pm
NCPSchools Conducted a Remote Learning Survey in 2020