Please be reminded for those who were invited and eligible to attend the 21st Century Boy and Girls Program, the start date is tomorrow from 3:05-6:05 and will run each weekday except for holidays. Transportation was scheduled for those who requested it.
If your kindergartener has not yet had immunization records complete, you are okay to continue coming to school. December 1, 2024 will be the new exclusion date for students not compliant with health records required to attend school.
Thanks to our Parent Teacher team, we will be installing a new digital sign at the front entrance of the school. the new sign will replace the current sign. We are currently going through the purchasing process and will keep you updated on the timeline as soon as we get the information. If you haven't already become part of the PTT, you are invited to start with our November meeting scheduled for November 12, 2024.
Friday is our Trunk Or Treat Festival from 5:30 - 7:30. Volunteers still needed for cars and we can always use more candy.
The weather is turning cooler this week, please remind students to get their jackets when leaving school so they can have them the next morning. We will remind students as they pack up each day.
Thank you for your attention and remember that daily attendance is crucial to our school achieving success and keeping up with work. As always, it is a pleasure to serve as your Principal.