Continue Education: Enroll

Are you looking for upcoming College Visits and College Fairs? Need help with your application? Check out our Calendar of Events on the Student Services Home Page

A Nash Community College rep, Shelisa Pittman (College & Career Access Coach) visits Heritage High School every Thursday from 9 am-1 pm. Students can sign up for an appointment or ask her questions by emailing her at


Residency Determination Service

All students planning to apply to colleges in North Carolina MUST complete the Residency Determination process through RDS (Residency Determination Service). This service will determine eligibility for in-state tuition and state grant awards. To learn more about RDS, and how it relates to the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), read the Navigating RDS and the FAFSA tip sheet. After you complete this process, RDS will assign you a Residency Certification Number (RCN) that you will report to the NC colleges that you are applying to. 

RDS Appeals Information (en Espanol)


Please start by going to CFNC to start all applications some applications will require you to go to CommonApp.

Please consult the Senior Page & the Senior Planning Guide for comprehensive information to assist, including the application process.



You can request your NC high school transcript to any NC college or University for FREE!

  • Step 1: Create a CFNC Account or Login to your CFNC Account

  • Step 2: Hover over Apply to College and click Request your Transcript

  • Step 3: Make sure all the information is filled in

    • First and Last Name

    • NC Student Number

    • Date of Birth (DOB)

    • Email

    • Gender

  • Step 4: Search your university and click the box beside the university name

  • Step 5: Click the Request My Transcript button

CFNC Request My Transcript

NCAA Eligibility

Want to play sports in College?

Do you want to compete in college sports?  NCAA Initial-Eligibility Presentation 

NCAA Schedule