School Social Worker

Laysha Williams~ School Social Worker
School Social Workers are trained mental health professionals with a degree in social work who are the link between the home, school, and community who provide direct as well as indirect services to students, families, and school personnel to promote and support students’ academic and social success.
Nashville's School Social Worker
Mrs. Williams graduated from East Carolina University with her Master’s degree and Elizabeth City State University with a Bachelor’s degree. She is also a NC Licensed Clinical Social Worker, providing expertise in Mental Health. Mrs. Williams continues to serve the district as a leader in Mental Health First Aid, Traumatic Event Debriefing, and other crisis response protocol.
Laysha Williams, MSW, LCSW
Phone Number: 252.567.2573
Who Needs to Visit the School Social Worker?
• Students who are at-risk of academic failure and/or out of home placement
• Students who have been neglected and/or abused
• Students with excessive absences
• Students with self-esteem, anger management, social skills problems
• Students with substance abuse issues in the home
• Students involved with the juvenile justice or child protective services
• Students who may be homeless or who have income related issues
For more information about School Social Workers in our district and state visit these websites: